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        Perspective on Falun Gong's Mental Control

        Perspective on Falun Gong's Mental Control

        Perspective on Falun Gong's Mental Control

        天下網商 · 2010-09-28 來源:凱風網





        Chapter 1  General Description of Mental Control 

        Section 1 Definition of Mental Control 

        Section 2 Mechanism of Mental control 

        Section 3 Purpose of Mental Control 


        Chapter 2  Main Contents of Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 1 Information Control

        Section 2 Behavior Control 

        Section 3 Thought Control

        Section 4 Emotional Control


        Chapter 3  Psychological Mechanism of Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 1 Who Are Most Likely to Become Falun Gong Practitioners

        Section 2 Reasons Why Falun Gong Practitioners under Control 

        Section 3 Psychological Analysis on Falun Gong's Mental Control 


        Chapter 4  Course and Measures of Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 1 How Li Hongzhi Makes up Falun Gong

        Section 2 Study on Language System of Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 3 Analysis on Process of Falun Gong's Mental Control 


        Chapter 5  Damages Caused by Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 1 Damages Caused by Falun Gong's Mental Control on Practitioners 

        Section 2 Falun Gong's Mental Control Does Harm to Family Members

        Section 3 Falun Gong's Mental Control Does Harm to Innocent People

        Section 4 Falun Gong Infringes the Interests of Society and Public


        Chapter 6  Getting away from Falun Gong's Mental Control

        Section 1 Improving Psychological Treatment by Using Foreign Practice 

        Section 2 Breaking away from Falun Gong's Mental Control

        Section 3 Using Psychological Principles to Convert Practitioners

        Section 4 How to Eliminate Practitioners' Dependence on Falun Gong

        Section 5 How to Return to the Real Self

        • 經典章節
        • 作者介紹
        • 主要內容





        Chapter 1  General Description of Mental Control 

        Section 1 Definition of Mental Control 

        Section 2 Mechanism of Mental control 

        Section 3 Purpose of Mental Control 


        Chapter 2  Main Contents of Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 1 Information Control

        Section 2 Behavior Control 

        Section 3 Thought Control

        Section 4 Emotional Control


        Chapter 3  Psychological Mechanism of Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 1 Who Are Most Likely to Become Falun Gong Practitioners

        Section 2 Reasons Why Falun Gong Practitioners under Control 

        Section 3 Psychological Analysis on Falun Gong's Mental Control 


        Chapter 4  Course and Measures of Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 1 How Li Hongzhi Makes up Falun Gong

        Section 2 Study on Language System of Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 3 Analysis on Process of Falun Gong's Mental Control 


        Chapter 5  Damages Caused by Falun Gong's Mental Control 

        Section 1 Damages Caused by Falun Gong's Mental Control on Practitioners 

        Section 2 Falun Gong's Mental Control Does Harm to Family Members

        Section 3 Falun Gong's Mental Control Does Harm to Innocent People

        Section 4 Falun Gong Infringes the Interests of Society and Public


        Chapter 6  Getting away from Falun Gong's Mental Control

        Section 1 Improving Psychological Treatment by Using Foreign Practice 

        Section 2 Breaking away from Falun Gong's Mental Control

        Section 3 Using Psychological Principles to Convert Practitioners

        Section 4 How to Eliminate Practitioners' Dependence on Falun Gong

        Section 5 How to Return to the Real Self

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